Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Tuesday- I suck at naming people with no predeterrmined nicknames

Hi Zoe it's Tuesday. You will be punished by.... lemme get back to you on that.

Anyway I was on yahoo (my homepage)and it said some thing about some model nobody's ever heard of dying at age 20. I was thinking of some weight disease or something but actually from a uinary tract infection. This got me thinking. I have always pictured models as those picture perfect people you know who would die a beatiful and dramatic death that would later become a movie starring the next wanna be. but i kept readng on discoverign her death was anything but. She had her hands and feet amputated (the were pretty hands and yes i notice people's hands) so she was not only disfirgured but probally depressed....(fill in inside joke here)....after reading this i still think model are idiot with small brains but that they are actually people too. while they may be clueless people... they are people(fill in other insde joke here)

So it's actually the morning so this post will be updated a couple of times of and you have to google meme your self see vlogbrother video called google meme or something like that ! hah i am making you work and after you post which i'll on what like on oh wait 2m never mind. you better do it then on friday i post mne. not much else going on, just faling science again bye


i seriously need help. I don't know what it is but the second i am in newspaper i go crazy. then after i beat up smaller people. it is stunting our plan. Today our plan worked out kinda well it was a really good day and the french trip to NYC should help b/c no losers on board cept [the one you hate with a passion] who o crap who wil follow us around worse than [the EVIL ONE]. [the other red head who play BB] is in french right so is [the shrimpy ice skater] is cause she is in my classs so is [the girl who no one can be mean to and was called a slut at lunch today and [the other girl who kinda started the fight and has SOOPUER short skirts] and is [your boyfriend stealer] and is umm.. [the tennis girl with bad hair but its not her fault she does the best with wat she can] what about [the girl whose laptop we used to take pics]. or [the girl with nickle eyeshadow]? is Seriously Zoe we need to make up nicknames for everyone not just people we have dreams about. is pan? Did that make any sense. I am not editing this it is my train of thought deal with it bedtime for me with my pjs inside a spoon under my pillow and a penny in my open window lincoln up